Opening my email to find my weekly BabyCenter email has always been exciting. There is a little blurp that talks about Baby's development and always compares the weight of the baby to a fruit or veggie. This week, not only is Vivi compared to a honeydew (I know what that is which is unusual for the things that pick out), I open the email to find at the top a banner that read, "35 weeks! 5 to go!" HOLY COW. 5 weeks? To a normal person, 5 weeks is an enternity. It is a month plus 1 week, a whopping 35 or so days which can translate to 245 hours or 14,700 minutes. That may seem like a lengthy amount of time to a normal person. But to this hormone raging, feet swelling, nesting freak, all that is basically translating to is.....tomorrow.
We have been so blessed to borrow until Vivi is born Blessed John Paul II's scull cap to pray for Vivi with. This relic is in our possession, I can touch it, smell it, look at it, and it just doesn't add up to me the magnitude of what we have and what graces are available to us during these next few weeks not only for Viv, but for us as well.
Sunday was the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist. I was reminded multiple times through Mass of all the times we are reminded through Scripture that God has "knit" us together in our mother's womb. Psalm 139:13 says, "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb." Another translation of this says 'You formed my innermost parts...' In the moments I have struggled with what lies ahead for us, especially for Vivian, this passage gives so much comfort to me. If God is with her, and has been with her since the beginning of her little existance, all of her is perfect. A masterpiece growing inside of me. This takes me to a whole other level of thought--if only all the world would see life as this! There are no mistakes because God's hand is on each of us. I think how prevelant this is to be happening as a nation we need to take a stand for our rights and to put a stop to the HHS mandate. No one would walk into an Art Museum and graffitti Picaso or the Mona Lisa, because each are considered masterpieces. Why are we then saying that killing a child is any different if God says He has "knit us together" in our mother's womb. Isn't that essentially ruining a masterpiece?
Please mark your calendars for Saturday July 14 and join us for Vivian's Victory! I am super excited and so proud of my sister, and incredibly thankful for all the support we are receiving from so many!
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