Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Edify by Example

Rod always says that God speaks to us "through the community" meaning our friends and family.  Don't get me wrong, it's no that I don't believe in this, I totally do, but he really believes it.  I called my friend last night to catch up and nothing would have prepared me for the lesson I was given through her example.  She is on Spring break and had a friend over yesterday who is expecting a baby next week.  All day they cooked together so meals would be in the freezer ready to go when the baby arrives.  In my head as she was telling me this, I was thinking, what a great idea--what an AWESOME friend she is. (not that I didn't already think that)  But she continued to amaze me.  She told me it has been really hard for her because she isn't pregnant and she wants to be so bad and it hurts especially since she was married before us.  However instead of wallowing in that sorrow, she explained how she felt she needed to be close to her pregnant friends so she could offer to God her pain and work through it to be the best friend she can be for us where we are.
As she was telling me this, I was dumbfounded. I know I would not react like that and I have not reacted like that in the past even to this friend. I have always allowed my emotions to steer the wheel and that would lead me to withdrawing from the situation and moving to another so I wouldn't face the "yuck" I felt for not having what I wanted.  I am edified by her example. 

She got me thinking of the meaning of the Easter Season.  Christ died so we can live and live His love through example.  My friend has hung her heart on the cross with Christ and is working everyday to be Glorified with Him--and what better time than the Easter Season?  His love, mercy and grace are real and available if and when we are open to receiving it.  The cross is not a symbol of doom, but a symbol of immense Hope. It doesn't feel good to suffer, as we saw Christ suffer through His Passion, but I definitely think the Resurrection was worth it.!  And if Christ promises us that He will always be with us, we know the story.  We know the outcome.  We know His love wins.  It's not any different in our lives, but like my friend, we must surrender all things to Him, relying on His strength to lead us through.

Speaking of growth, Viv is roughly the size of an ear of corn and moving like a maniac.  She loves to hear Daddy's voice and Mass.  She hates when I cross my legs or bend over--there is no doubt how she feels about anything.  I;m not surprised, and I wouldn't want it any other way :)

1 comment:

  1. It is always good to have friends who lead us beyond ourselves to greater union with our LOrd.. i have many friends and kids like that:)
    praise be to God
