Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Two Fold Healing

Every time Jesus heals in the Gospels, it is in fact two fold.  There is the obvious physical aspect as well as the not so obvious, but more important, spiritual aspect.  Today the Gospel reminds us of that and I can't help but feel that my situation isn't any different.  Viv has caused my heart to need Christ and want Christ like I have never before.  I can already feel a shift in my soul, and although there isn't a physical healing I am in need of, there is always a spiritual healing I am willing to accept.  I feel Christ reaching into my heart and challenging me to become better now, so I am ready to give all of my changed heart to my sweet baby girl.  I just can't get over God's timing--all this happening during LENT!  A changed heart is what I should be searching for, longing for and hoping for but it hurts and isn't always easy to allow to happen. 

Lord Jesus, thank you so much for the compassion and love you show us through your actions.  Lord, I am so weak without you.  In you I place my love and my trust.  I believe in your ability to heal physically and spiritually.  I ask you to continue to change my heart, to grant me the grace to hand it over to you and allow you to do your will with it.  I know you hear my prayer and will continue to be my strength and will guide me along this journey as I prepare to bring beautiful Viv into this world. 

Mary, you know my mother's heart, and the desire of that heart to be able to love Viv with everything in me as you loved Christ.  Mary, please pray that I am given the grace to surrender my heart and soul to God's will as you were able to as you watched Christ grow and suffer.

Jesus and Mary continue to hold Viv's heart in your hands.  Continue to allow her to grow safe and strong.  I thank you so much for her fiesty little personality and for being able to have this bond with her.  I believe Jesus if it is your will you will heal her heart and make it new, right and left side with all the right valves in the right places.  Mary, I know you will be with me each step of the way and will show me how to accept Christ's will with all the grace you received God the Father's.

I love you, and praise you in advance for sharing and showing your Glory!

Mother Teresa, pray for us and for Vivian's heart.


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