Friday, March 30, 2012


Good Morning!  Sorry I have been a SUPER slacker this, my, where does the time go?  I remember telling a family friend when I was young all the things I wanted to do in and with my life.  Astounded, he looked at me and simply said, "you are going to need more time in everyday!"  How true that is and I haven't even started on that list! :)

I want to first start off by saying "Thank you"to everyone who came to the Healing Mass Wednesday night.  It means so much to have so many people joining together with us as we jump into this journey of Faith.  We are beyond blessed with the love of so many people--it is very overwhelming.  At the same time, I want to apologize for not fully understanding the schedule of that night--I will know better for the future :)

I find it safe to say that Rod and I both had powerful experiences during the Healing Service.  After Mass, the healing team separated into different parts of the main chapel in the Holy Spirit Center and whoever wanted could go to one of the groups and ask for them to pray over you for the intention you were coming to Christ with.  In typical Maria fashion, I came with a posse. Rod, my parents and sisters knelt around me and placed their hands upon my belly as the healing team prayed for Vivian and her healing.  The man praying said something in his prayer that has really stuck with me, "allow this child to leap for joy as St. John the Baptist leapt in Elizabeth's womb upon meeting Christ in Mary's womb".  Why this struck me is Viv dances when she hears the bells at the Consecration, she dances when Rod prays over her and she danced while she was being prayed for.  She already KNOWS CHRIST and His presence.  And He is with her in a special way.  And she leaps when she is in His presence.  So cool.

My resolution from this service is to go every fourth Wednesday until she is born.  I kept reflecting on the woman with the hemorrhage that had the faith that if she only touched Christ's cloak she would be healed.  And amidst a huge crowd, she was healed and Christ felt the power leave Him.  I am that woman, but instead of a hemorrhage, I have a child that I believe Christ's love has touched and will touch.

Rod and I went to Mass this morning.  It felt like we were dating again--we met at St. Gertrude's (which is where we went to Mass this morning) and after we started dating, we would go to Mass everyday.  Usually 7 am at St. Teresa, and neither of us are morning people!  We looked forward to it though--always good to start the day on the right foot!  Today's Gospel is not one I particularly remember, but something struck me today and did in yesterday's Gospel too.  Christ flat out made people mad.  Not because what He did was wrong, but because it was both radical and good.  How many times did "they try to arrest Him" or "pick up stones" to throw at Him and every time Christ "escaped their power" or "faded into the crowd".  I never really pondered this and passed it off yesterday, but here I am thinking about it again.  God protected Christ, even when it seemed He was totally screwed, until it was time, God's time.  Same with us.  God's time is perfect, for the good and the not so good.  God is always here.

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