Today has been a great day for Vivi. She has been holding her own which is such an awesome sign of such great progress. She began feeding today via NG (feeding) tube. She is on a slow progression of 3 mls/hour up to a max of 16 mls which is equivalent to about 1/2 ounce. At this point, we are at 6 mls and she is doing great! She has been so chill all day, which has been so wonderful especially since she has been weened off all her meds. She is handling this all on her own. Our big prayer request is that despite the NG tube, we are able to work with the OT/PT to get her suck, swallow, breathe technique down so we can get rid of that thing and orally feed her, either bottle or breast. I am not married to the breast feeding gig, I am married to the oral feeding gig. That is the request :)
Tomorrow Viv is having both chest tubes removed as well as her pacer wires. All of these things are in on her heart, so there will be a little pain to loose them. Her pacer wires are there to act as a pace-maker if the doctors would have needed after surgery (never needed, praise God) and the chest tubes have been in to drain any extra fluid in or around her heart. This is such an exciting step in our road of recovery. We are also hopeful that the breathing tube will be extracted tomorrow. The doctors have been slowly turning down the breathing machine and she is responding great to this new physical responsibility. If it is too much tomorrow for her, we will do it first thing Wed. I can't wait to hear my baby cry, cough, coo, EVERYTHING! What a joy--happy tears will be streaming my cheeks
I have no doubt.
I was washing my pumping supplies tonight for the billionth time today and I had a tiny A-HA. This is my life--the washing the pumping stuff. It's not exciting. Its day to day, moment by moment repetitive actions that are meaningful because they are benefiting my precious little angel. She is everything and I don't want it any other way :)
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