Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Family Photos, 7/31

The ladies of 1heart2souls surprised us yesterday with a gift we want to share with you.  If you get a minute, check out these pics! :)


  1. Maria, I just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you and your beautiful family. Take comfort in the fact that God is holding little Vivian in the palm of his hand. I also wanted to let you know that Vivian is the name of my mother in law who died about two years ago. She was one of the most loving woman I have ever known. Your beautiful writing and love for your child is inspirational. God be with you. Norma Rapien

  2. What absolutely beautiful photos! Maria, I have been praying for you, Rod, and little Vivian ever since Jessica told me about the HLHS. You and Rod are so amazing and inspiring with how you are handling such an unimaginably hard situation, I can't tell you enough how much your strong faith has touched me. I have been crying like crazy reading your posts about Vivian's surgery, but I know that Vivian is meant for GREAT things, obviously God has big plans for her. My family will keep praying for all of you. I just keep thinking how lucky she is to have you and Rod for her parents!

    Maria Phillips (and Brian, Helena, and Joshua)
